Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Being Made

Well, I'm back from my brief hiatus...
So much has happened in such a shot time, it's hard for me to even record it all. Sometimes you need a break, from yourself, from others and from things. I took that needed break and it's time for me to regain focus. I hate it when "church-folk" try to make every hardship or struggle we are faced as the devil trying to break us down! Has it ever occurred to them that it maybe God trying to break you down so that HE and not self can build you up?! To better that self must be suppressed. God sometimes chips away at us little by little to sculpt us into what we need to be. Don't fight it, Gods way is going to prevail in the end. Allow him to make you into want he wants you to be, the less you resist God the less painful your transition will be.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When the scale tips...

That freshman fifteen naaaa that third year twenty. Yup, 20lbs. The dreaded moment when the doctor has to keep moving the metal bar to the right side of the scale...

This happened to me at the doctor's office last week. I mean I knew I had put on a little weight, but good Lord I had no idea that had gained nearly 20lbs. I think at that moment it hit me. I was supposed to be an example of good health, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, yet I had completely let myself fall off. I had lost my mojo and really had a hard time getting back on the wagon. I've done all research possible, pretty much hip to all the tricks of the trade. I simply let other things get in the way of my exercising, felt that I was too busy and then too tired. I had to remind myself, my health is not a joke and working out pushing my body to its limits are not an option. Not only does working out, keep me at an ideal, healthy weight, but it also improves my moods and gives me more energy throughout the day. I admit I always have alot of things on my mind and on my plate, but balance is key. I've found the only place I can truly maintain a since of balance and good stewardship on my time and money is relying on guidance from God. 

It's hard sometimes to keep everything in perspective: work, school, more work, friends, professional endeavors,  but I've found that through prayer and daily devotional it's possible to find organization, purpose and clarity even when you find yourself overbooked. So with that being said, I'm trying reestablish some order in my life mainly regarding my workout schedule. My goal is to increase my muscle mass while decreasing the amount of flab and fat that I have. I want to be a tighter, toner healthier me! To help me on my journey I've found several resources for support, and guidance. I ran cross country and track in high school which cardio and lifting were incorporated into my daily workouts. Even then, my body wasn't exactly as toned as I wanted it to be. I recently started following a tumblr, that profiles Samantha a college student turned personal trainer that gives great tips, workouts and recipes that will put me on the right track and have me lean, mean and strong in a couple of months (Follow her, she's awesome: I'm trying to follow her mltc workout plan and I encourage you to do the same! Today was my first day back at the gym (again I know I'm repeating this cycle over, but this time I'm committed I promise!). I was exhausted and couldn't make it to the gym on grounds, so I settled for the one at my apartment complex. I did about 40 min on the elliptical while watching one of my fav shows and a short version of Samantha's equipment-less leg workout. I called it quits after about 3 sets because frankly my form was suffering. My experience with fitness is that if you don't have good form then stop and reevaluate what your're doing:
1. You could hurt yourself
2. Consider doing less reps and try to do it with better form
3. It's not a race. Go at a pace where you can control your movement.
Remember to breathe. Believe me I understand how frustrating it can be to have a goal in your mind, but for whatever reason you can't get the form or the number of reps you want. DO YOUR BEST!!!!PUSH YOURSELF, BUT BE SAFE!You know your body better than anyone else.
Sooo while I was struggling to do squats, I was telling myself everything I'm telling you. I remember when I could've done this workout easy, it would have hurt, but I would have never considered cutting it down. Keeping my perspective, I had  to remind myself I haven't worked out consistently in months. It's going to take some rebuilding! With that being said, I'm trying to combine all the resources and fitness tidbits I have picked up and make my own routine. I love to run and am trying to get a chapter of Black Girls RUN! (BGR!) up and going in my city. They offer great inspiration for beginner to advanced runners. My goal is to cut down my running times and definitely run more races next year, ya know push my limits. I also follow @Mankofit on Instagram and youtube. She's another amazing young woman that choose to dedicate herself to fitness, health and living to her highest potential in all aspects. On her instagram she posts workouts, recipes and inspirational quotes. My third source of info comes from pinterest. There I find workout tips, healthy recipies and inspiration to workout every day no matter how crazy my schedule maybe. Follow my boards for great tips! I ask you to join me in my journey for a healthier, stronger, better me. Remember to take care of yourself no matter time constraints. Check out BGR! for a chapter in your area! If you have any fitness tips or recipes please share them with me! Challenge yourself! I'll be posting my fitness progress each week and I ask you to join me! Keep it tight!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nappy Roots

Life sucks when you don't take your own advice. How do I know? Because I do this ALL THE TIME!
It's one of the those things that is apart of a larger growth progress in my life. Baby steps, baby steps is what I tell myself each morning and it seems it's working. Positive reinforcement is the first step to actual progress...

Step One: So I decided I need to take better care of my myself, including HAIR MAINTENANCE. I'm coming clean with you all! I'm pretty sure I've read hundreds upon thousands of blogs and articles about natural hair, yet I found myself not really taking care of it. I've been natural for almost two years and thankfully my hair has grown so fast without me actually doing much to it. Even-though, I knew all the tricks, products and etc. I've still been gun shy to actually putting my hands in my hair and getting busy! I've had countless friends detangle my hair for me, do twist-outs, styles and straighten, yet I still didn't take the opportunity to grow with my hair. So here I am beginning anew almost two years in to being natural. Let's just say I was a late bloomer lol...

I think my fear of hurting my hair or ruining my hair paralyzed me from actually being inventive. Before I decided to do the big chop I made sure I  did all of my research beforehand. There's negativity regarding African-American women's hair. This fear that you can ruin your hair or harm it. I always had this fear even when I had relaxed hair. I've learned through my natural hair journey that I can't hurt my hair by trying new things and even if I did damage it, it will always grow back! Don't be afraid to try new things!!!

I successfully twisted my hair all on my own two nights ago! I used my trusty pink spray bottle, coconut oil and olive oil (nothing fancy). My hair was pretty much dry which explains why the twists didn't turn out as tight as I wanted them to be. I hadn't thoroughly detangled my hair since February (I know I'm trifling) so it was quite the ordeal. It literally took me all day, but healthy hair is certainly worth it! Being natural is a gift and it also takes a lot of work. Some people have the misconception that being natural is much easier than having permed hair. Truth be told, it's actually alot more maintenance. I've been blessed to come this far without really damaging hair with my lack of hair maintenance. However, with the length my hair is at now, it's critical I take more interest in my own hair. I must admit I was pretty proud of myself.The twists weren't as tight as I liked, but I know I'll get better in time! For the first two days I kept them pinned up.
I finally took responsibility of my own nappy roots! If you'd like to share your own tips, favorite products or hair journey!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle Day #1

So I'm back at it...

I've neglected my healthy lifestyle for so long that my body is hankering for a come back! I'm going to attempt to record my workouts and what I've eaten each day. It feels good to be getting back to that life!

Today's Menu:
Nature's Gate Oat Flakes w/ Skim Milk

1 Chicken, Mushroom and Spinach Lean Pocket

Half of Tuna Sandwhich
Sauteed Green Beans and Onions
1 Chobani Mango Greek Yogurt

Sauteed Green Beans

I went on a 3-4 mile run, did a few abs and skipped the weights. After all Rome wasn't built in the day!!!

I'm super excited about my re-comitment to living, eating healthy and working out. I'm also starting up a chapter of Black Girls Run in Charlottesville! Check out their website!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Closing of a Chapter, Beginning Anew

I think the end of a semester always causes reflection. I found myself reflecting on my regrets, successes and gains. I couldn't be more blessed with making through another semester and well on my way to my 4th year. I have reflected so much and I think everyone comes to the point where you kind of wish you could start over undergrad. I know I do sometimes, but start over with all the life lessons and wisdom I have gained throughout these three years and apply it to my first year.

As I watched my line sisters walk down the lawn, decked in their stoles, pretty colored dresses and the wisdom and strength of the great many women that come before them, I can't help but be filled with so much pride and love for the women they are growing to be. Within each of them, I see so much progress and promise. I feel so overwhelmingly blessed to experience such a sacred moment with them. I also realized that no matter how much we fight, argue and disagree our bond is unbreakable as each of us are. Pillars of strength, women are virtue is what they are becoming. I remember the moment we all met, how I couldn't possibly fathom how close our bond would become...

...I realized that's the beauty of growing, being able to look back on past situations and circumstances and knowing that you would be able to make stronger and wiser decisions. With that, I put the past to rest and focus on my future. I have one more year until I'm in the real world and I don't plan on wasting it. As I have been given much, I know much is required of me! Most important lesson I've learned: A failure is only a failure if you learn NOTHING and if you don't stand FIRM IN NEVER REPEATING THE MISTAKE AGAIN!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Death to Social Media

 Today I decided to say goodbye to all social media other than blogging and instagram. It's so easy to get caught up on twitter and Facebook that it really can distract you from what's really important. I know I'll say I'm going to get on fb or twitter next thing I know an hour has passed.

It's the end of a long semester and of course all I want to do is escape from doing what I'm actually supposed to be doing. I'm tired and the last thing I wanna do is write two ten page papers and study for various finals.

The constant text messages, twatching , tweeting and Facebook notifications can really dull your spiritual senses as well. I'm at a critical moment in my life and with God that He is really speaking to me and working in my life. I don't want to miss out on hearing him because I was bogged down by what party is coming, who is tweeting what and what the latest gossip is? When I allowed myself to be more concerned with what is going on in the social world then what God is saying, here lies the problem.

God has an unique plan for each and everyone of us. I'm not sure of what his plan is for me, but I know he's definitely gonna require a response and sacrifice out of me.

It's critical though more than ever that I focus on the tasks at hand and FINISH STRONG.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Riding the Struggle Bus

You remember in gym class when everyone had to take those national fitness tests? You never wanted to be the last person during the mile test, hacking and coughing, one step away from a heart attack trying to finish. Meanwhile onlookers in your gym class, standing on the sidelines, wondering why it's taking you so long to finish. That's probably the most embarrassing moment in anyone's middle school/high school life and as much as I hate to admit it, that kid was once me. I call that riding the struggle bus and at some point in life everyone experiences a moment like this.
You have those moments when you feel like dang no matter what I do, it seems like I can't win...Yea welcome to my life lol. I'm going through a phase of my life right now where it seems like when I take two steps forward, I end up ten steps back. It's like my mind and my body is at the point where not only does time goes by ten times faster than it actually should, but I just seem to perpetually be in slow motion. I would definitely have to consider myself on the front seat of the struggle bus.

However, the reoccurring theme I keep being reminded of is it's not where you started, but how you finish.
God has a way of allowing situations to happen in our lives, that will draw us closer to him and cause us to grow (whether we want to or not). I've learned through personal experience that He will put us on the struggle bus when He wants our attention. No matter how defeated I feel, there's a still small voice in the back of my mind that reminds me I am more than a conqueror. I know God is requiring something out of me and until he gets the response He looks for, I will continue to have that reserved seat on the struggle bus.

For those who are fellow passengers, remember to look to God for direction and answers. We are all on a journey and God requires different things of us at different times. No two people are alike in his eyes. Pray and I guarantee that He will answer. Never stop listening to that still small voice and even if you don't do exactly what He tells you to. Know that God is faithful and He will never stop listening.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Just Below the Surface, We are All Raw and Exposed...

Hello Blogworld,

I had no original title for my first post. I spent hours racking my brain for something profound, something exceptional. I happened to be lying on the couch, watching Sex and the City and Carrie Bradshaw spoke to me: "Just below the surface, we are all raw and exposed..." I thought wow what a great title and how fitting.

It's funny. People post everything online these days pictures, stories, personal anecdotes and their innermost thoughts. How many people can truly be honest with their thoughts, how they view themselves and the world around them? How? I hope this blog functions just as that. This is me, my thoughts, opinions, likes/dislikes, triumphs/defeats, simply put my life. It's not meant to be poetic, politically correct or anything beyond the ordinary. No theme, no expectations so bear with me.

I tend to be pretty random, so forgive me if I sound like I'm rambling. I guess you could say this is a chance for me to express my innermost thoughts, yet more publicly than most. So yes, that's my goal to completely be raw, exposed and honest with myself and hopefully you my reader. If anything I post resonates with you always feel free to comment. Welcome to my journey...