That freshman fifteen naaaa that third year twenty. Yup, 20lbs. The dreaded moment when the doctor has to keep moving the metal bar to the right side of the scale...
This happened to me at the doctor's office last week. I mean I knew I had put on a little weight, but good Lord I had no idea that had gained nearly 20lbs. I think at that moment it hit me. I was supposed to be an example of good health, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, yet I had completely let myself fall off. I had lost my mojo and really had a hard time getting back on the wagon. I've done all research possible, pretty much hip to all the tricks of the trade. I simply let other things get in the way of my exercising, felt that I was too busy and then too tired. I had to remind myself, my health is not a joke and working out pushing my body to its limits are not an option. Not only does working out, keep me at an ideal, healthy weight, but it also improves my moods and gives me more energy throughout the day. I admit I always have alot of things on my mind and on my plate, but balance is key. I've found the only place I can truly maintain a since of balance and good stewardship on my time and money is relying on guidance from God.
It's hard sometimes to keep everything in perspective: work, school, more work, friends, professional endeavors, but I've found that through prayer and daily devotional it's possible to find organization, purpose and clarity even when you find yourself overbooked. So with that being said, I'm trying reestablish some order in my life mainly regarding my workout schedule. My goal is to increase my muscle mass while decreasing the amount of flab and fat that I have. I want to be a tighter, toner healthier me! To help me on my journey I've found several resources for support, and guidance. I ran cross country and track in high school which cardio and lifting were incorporated into my daily workouts. Even then, my body wasn't exactly as toned as I wanted it to be. I recently started following a tumblr, that profiles Samantha a college student turned personal trainer that gives great tips, workouts and recipes that will put me on the right track and have me lean, mean and strong in a couple of months (Follow her, she's awesome: I'm trying to follow her mltc workout plan and I encourage you to do the same! Today was my first day back at the gym (again I know I'm repeating this cycle over, but this time I'm committed I promise!). I was exhausted and couldn't make it to the gym on grounds, so I settled for the one at my apartment complex. I did about 40 min on the elliptical while watching one of my fav shows and a short version of Samantha's equipment-less leg workout. I called it quits after about 3 sets because frankly my form was suffering. My experience with fitness is that if you don't have good form then stop and reevaluate what your're doing:
1. You could hurt yourself
2. Consider doing less reps and try to do it with better form
3. It's not a race. Go at a pace where you can control your movement.
Remember to breathe. Believe me I understand how frustrating it can be to have a goal in your mind, but for whatever reason you can't get the form or the number of reps you want. DO YOUR BEST!!!!PUSH YOURSELF, BUT BE SAFE!You know your body better than anyone else.
Sooo while I was struggling to do squats, I was telling myself everything I'm telling you. I remember when I could've done this workout easy, it would have hurt, but I would have never considered cutting it down. Keeping my perspective, I had to remind myself I haven't worked out consistently in months. It's going to take some rebuilding! With that being said, I'm trying to combine all the resources and fitness tidbits I have picked up and make my own routine. I love to run and am trying to get a chapter of Black Girls RUN! (BGR!) up and going in my city. They offer great inspiration for beginner to advanced runners. My goal is to cut down my running times and definitely run more races next year, ya know push my limits. I also follow @Mankofit on Instagram and youtube. She's another amazing young woman that choose to dedicate herself to fitness, health and living to her highest potential in all aspects. On her instagram she posts workouts, recipes and inspirational quotes. My third source of info comes from pinterest. There I find workout tips, healthy recipies and inspiration to workout every day no matter how crazy my schedule maybe. Follow my boards for great tips! I ask you to join me in my journey for a healthier, stronger, better me. Remember to take care of yourself no matter time constraints. Check out BGR! for a chapter in your area! If you have any fitness tips or recipes please share them with me! Challenge yourself! I'll be posting my fitness progress each week and I ask you to join me! Keep it tight!!!!
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