Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Closing of a Chapter, Beginning Anew

I think the end of a semester always causes reflection. I found myself reflecting on my regrets, successes and gains. I couldn't be more blessed with making through another semester and well on my way to my 4th year. I have reflected so much and I think everyone comes to the point where you kind of wish you could start over undergrad. I know I do sometimes, but start over with all the life lessons and wisdom I have gained throughout these three years and apply it to my first year.

As I watched my line sisters walk down the lawn, decked in their stoles, pretty colored dresses and the wisdom and strength of the great many women that come before them, I can't help but be filled with so much pride and love for the women they are growing to be. Within each of them, I see so much progress and promise. I feel so overwhelmingly blessed to experience such a sacred moment with them. I also realized that no matter how much we fight, argue and disagree our bond is unbreakable as each of us are. Pillars of strength, women are virtue is what they are becoming. I remember the moment we all met, how I couldn't possibly fathom how close our bond would become...

...I realized that's the beauty of growing, being able to look back on past situations and circumstances and knowing that you would be able to make stronger and wiser decisions. With that, I put the past to rest and focus on my future. I have one more year until I'm in the real world and I don't plan on wasting it. As I have been given much, I know much is required of me! Most important lesson I've learned: A failure is only a failure if you learn NOTHING and if you don't stand FIRM IN NEVER REPEATING THE MISTAKE AGAIN!!!!

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